Saturday, November 8, 2008

News from the village

(I wrote this a few days ago but didn't have a chance to post it 'til now...I'm working on a new update now, as it's been an exciting couple of days! More news to follow!)

November 3, 2008

It’s hard to believe that October has come and gone. Although it does feel as though I’ve been in Benin a fair bit – four months now! – I can’t imagine that any “real” time has passed. This feeling is due, at least in part, to the lack of easily distinguishable seasons in Benin: here, it is eternal summer in my mind. Yes, the rain has stopped and afternoon temperatures are creeping steadily upwards (it was 95 degrees at 3 p.m. today in the shade!), but this is nothing in comparison with the transformation of New England from summer to fall, fall to winter. And though I know that at home the leaves are falling, school is in full swing, baseball season is over and football season has begun, Halloween has passed, and the presidential election will be resolved tomorrow at last, I am so far removed from these happenings as to render them almost unreal.

Meanwhile, here in Penessoulou life goes on. School continues to go well – teaching is fun, and I really like my students. I gave my 6emes a quiz on numbers 1-20 last week, and some did really well but some did terrrrribly. It’s going to be a long road ahead!

My biggest news (which you’ve already guessed if you’ve seen my photos): I have a puppy! His name is Skip (after the neighborhood kids’ favorite card in Uno), and he is a very good dog. I haven’t been able to find a collar for him yet (dogs, like children, goats, and chickens, tend to run free here), so when I want to bring him somewhere with me I often end up carrying him – a sight which amuses the villagers to no end and leads them to ask about mon bébé. He’s good company, and it’s really nice to have him waiting for me when I get home!

Tomorrow, I travel to Cotonou and then on to Dakar to take care of some medical issues – nothing serious, but I could be gone for up to a week. I’m excited to travel, but I’m worried about missing school and time in my village. Nevertheless, I guess I can’t complain about a free trip to Senegal! I should have more time on the internet when I get to Dakar (in fact, that’s probably where I’ll post this message), so I’ll be sure to put up photos and let you know about my trip. Senegal, here I come!

1 comment:

loehrke said...

I hope there will be somebody to take care of your bebe while you are gone getting healthy.
I hope you get all better very quickly.
We'll be thinking about you and sending good vibes your way!!!
Best, Mark Loehrke (Carly's dad)